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Genesis 6:14 World Messianic Bible WEBM | 70 Bible versions Compare

Genesis 6

14 Make an ark of cypress wood for yourself. Make rooms in the ark, and cover it inside and out with pitch.

Genesis 6

14 Make a ship of gopher wood. You shall make rooms in the ship, and shall seal it inside and outside with pitch.

Genesis 6

14 Make a ship of gopher wood. You shall make rooms in the ship, and shall seal it inside and outside with pitch.

Genesis 6

14 Make yourself an ark of gofer-wood; you are to make the ark with rooms and cover it with pitch both outside and inside.

Genesis 6

14 Build a boat of cypress wood for yourself. Make rooms in it and cover it inside and outside with tar.

Genesis 6

14 Make yourself an[5] ark of[6] gopher wood; make in it rooms (stalls, pens, coops, nests, cages, compartments) and[7] coat it inside and out with pitch (bitumen).

Genesis 6

14 Make yourself an ark of gopher or cypress wood; make in it rooms (stalls, pens, coops, nests, cages, and compartments) and cover it inside and out with pitch (bitumen).

Genesis 6

14 ‘Make for thyself an ark of gopher-wood; rooms dost thou make with the ark, and thou hast covered it within and without with cypress;

Genesis 6

14 And behold, according to the words of the prophet, the Messiah will set himself again the second time to recover them; wherefore, he will manifest himself unto them in power and great glory, unto the destruction of their enemies, when that day cometh when they shall believe in him; and none will he destroy that believe in him.

Genesis 6

14 Make yourself an ark of gopher wood. Make rooms in the ark, and cover it inside and out with pitch.