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Galatians 3:2 World Messianic Bible British Edition WMBB | 100 Bible versions Compare

Galatians 3

2 This is all I want to ask of you: did you receive the [Holy] Spirit as the result of obeying [the requirements of] the Law, or was it the result of hearing [the message of salvation and] with faith [believing it]?

Galatians 3

2 Let me ask you this one question: Did you receive the [Holy] Spirit as the result of obeying the Law and doing its works, or was it by hearing [the message of the Gospel] and believing [it]? [Was it from observing a law of rituals or from a message of faith?]

Galatians 3

2 Here is one thing I want to ask you. You received the Holy Spirit. Was that because you obeyed the law given to the Jews by Moses ? No, it was because you heard Gods word and believed it.

Galatians 3

2 So tell me—did you receive the Spirit by keeping the law, or by placing your trust in what you heard?

Galatians 3

2 This only would I learn of you, Received you2f the Spirit [Ruach] by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?

Galatians 3

2 This only would I learn of you, Received ye the [3]Spirit by the works of the Law, or by the hearing of [4]faith preached?

Galatians 3

2 This is the only thing I want to find out from you: did you receive the Spirit by works of [38]the Law, or by hearing [39]with faith?

Galatians 3

2 I would like to learn just one thing from you: Did you receive the Spirit by works of the law, or by hearing with faith?

Galatians 3

2 This only would I learn of you, Received you the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?

Galatians 3

2 This only I would learn from you: Did you receive the Spirit by works of [the] law, or by hearing of faith?