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Galatians 3:23 Jubilee Bible JUB | 100 Bible versions Compare

Galatians 3

23 But before faith came, we were under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed.

Galatians 3

23 But before the time for faith came, the Law kept us all locked up as prisoners until this coming faith should be revealed.

Galatians 3

23 [15]Before faith came, we were held in custody under law, confined for the faith that was to be revealed. [AV]

Galatians 3

23 And before the coming of the faith, under law we were being kept, shut up to the faith about to be revealed,

Galatians 3

23 But before faith came, we were under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed.

Galatians 3

23 But before faith came, we were imprisoned under the law, kept for the faith which was later to be revealed.

Galatians 3

23 But before faith came, we were kept in custody under the law, confined for the faith which should afterwards be revealed.

Galatians 3

23 But before faith came, we were kept in custody under the law, confined for the faith which should afterwards be revealed.

Galatians 3

23 Now before the time for this trusting faithfulness came, we were imprisoned in subjection to the system which results from perverting the Torah into legalism, kept under guard until this yet-to-come trusting faithfulness would be revealed.

Galatians 3

23 Before this faith came, we were all held prisoners by the law. We had no freedom until God showed us the way of faith that was coming.