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Luke 1:14 Contemporary English Version Anglicised 2012 | 100 Bible versions Compare

Luke 1

14 His birth will make you very happy, and many people will be glad.

Luke 1

14 How glad and happy you will be, and how happy many others will be when he is born!

Luke 1

14 And you will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth,

Luke 1

14 and there shall be joy to thee, and gladness, and many at his birth shall joy,

Luke 1

14 And thou shalt have joy and gladness; and many shall rejoice at his birth.

Luke 1

14 You will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth.

Luke 1

14 You will have joy and gladness; and many will rejoice at his birth.

Luke 1

14 You will have joy and gladness; and many will rejoice at his birth.

Luke 1

14 He will be a joy and a delight to you, and many people will rejoice when he is born,

Luke 1

14 You will be very happy. Many people will be happy because of his birth.